The Diversity Dynamic: Episode 2 with Keisha Dean, Anton Ioukhnovets, and Wanyi Jiang

“Self-education basically is very important. Whether you are in the workplace
or outside of the workplace, it’s just step one.”

-Anton Ioukhnovets, Creative Director, 30 Point

“We are technically the media, so what are we saying?”

-Wanyi Jiang, Design Director, Marie Claire

Why are certain images and roles of People of Color magnified in the media? Why aren’t there more Black editors and creatives in this industry? How can you be a real advocate for change?

Watch the discussion about these topics and more in Episode 2 of The Diversity Dynamic recorded on August 21, 2020. SPD Members, Anton Ioukhnovets, Creative Director, 30 Point and
Wanyi Jiang, Design Director, Marie Claire, join SPD’s Executive Director Keisha Dean to have a candid conversation. Please ignore the Zoom glitches and have an open mind. It’s real talk to inspire real action. 

Special thanks to Ronda Thompson for designing The Diversity Dynamic logo.

"It can't just be Black voices talking about diversity and inclusion..."

-Keisha Dean, Executive Director, SPD



Self Education Resources Mentioned in Episode 2

Additional Resources