Happy Valentine’s Day from SPD ❤️💐

Illustrator: Wenjing Yang

Instructor: Whitney Sherman


Illustrator: Jon Krause

Art Director: Siung Tjia


Illustrator: Cindy Lau


Illustrator: Chris Gural


Illustrator: Owen Gent

Art Director: Marianne Issa El-Khoury


Illustrator: Brian Lutz


Illustrator: Lia Strasser


Illustrator: John Tomac

Art Director: Jess Downey


Illustrator: Miriam Martincic


Illustrator: Adolfo Valle


Illustrator: Anthony Russo


Illustrator: Dallin Orr


Illustrator: Dawn XT Yang


Los Angeles Times, Laura Salafia, February 2025

Publication: Los Angeles Times

Illustrator: Laura Salafia


Art Director: Lesley Busby

Laura Salafia created this illustration for the LA Times awards magazine, The Envelope, for an article by Chris Vognar titled, “Two giant films poke at our current society. Is it on purpose?” The article centers around two current movies: Gladiator II and Wicked. Chris Vognar writes: A strongman ruler practices the fine political art of divide and conquer, insisting on loyalty at all costs. Except he says the quiet part out loud: ‘The best way to bring folks together is to give them a good enemy.” Vogner finds intriguing  parallels between our current political landscape in the US with the movies Gladiator II and Wicked.

Remembering Martin Luther King Jr. Through Portraits

Illustrator: Robert Carter


“An inspiration to myself and countless others. I felt moved to paint his portrait. ‘I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.’ - Martin Luther King Jr. Words by which I try (but am not always successful) to adhere.” -Robert Carter

Illustrator: Sam Singh


Illustrator: Laura Salafia


“My portrait celebrating the life of the inspirational Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We need to keep his words alive and fight the good fight. It’s more important than ever to remember what he fought for and the wise words he inspired us with. Even in the darkest of days, there is hope.” - Laura Salafia

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

Illustrator: David Elmo Cooper


Illustrator: Taylor Callery


Cover illustration for Naperville / Chicago Magazine || Living Legacy - Celebrating the 60th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech to the North Central College community, a pivotal event in the ongoing work of Naperville residents at the forefront of the city's civil rights crusade. 

Publish Date: November 2020

Art Direction: Haleigh Brown

Illustrator: Taylor Callery

"It was an absolute honor to be given the opportunity to illustrate one of the greatest humans of all time, who also happens to be a hero of mine. His actions and words have resinated with me for a very long time and have inspired me to pursue social, civil, and human rights as a subject matter close to my heart within my work as a professional illustrator." -Taylor Callery

Illustrator: Brian Lutz


Illustrator: Keith Henry Brown


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

Art used in picture book  Because of You, John Lewis

by Andrea Pinkney

Illustrated by Keith H. Brown, Scholastic Books. 2023

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

Three Posters, Akiko Stehrenberger, January 2025

Dune: Part Two

Illustrator: Akiko Stehrenberger


“I wanted my ‘Dune: Part Two’ poster to be a part two to my first poster (second slide on Akiko’s IG), creating a seamless continuation the way the two films are. While the first film felt more quiet and suspenseful leading up to the second, Part Two had more destruction and action while introducing us to Feyd-Rautha, arch nemesis to Paul Atreides.” -Akiko Stehrenberger

Art Director: Akiko Stehrenberger

Poster originally released through CODA curated by Ken Hashimoto Harman, Rob Jones and Jenni Jones for Legendary Films

The Last Showgirl

Illustrator: Akiko Stehrenberger


“Super excited about ‘The Last Showgirl’ releasing in theaters Friday (1/8/25), staring Pamela Anderson, Jamie Lee Curtis, Dave Bautista and more, directed by Gia Coppola.” -Akiko Stehrenberger

Art Director: Akiko Stehrenberger

A Complete Unknown

Illustrator: Akiko Stehrenberger


“Couldn’t resist updating Milton Glaser’s iconic 1966 Dylan poster.” -Akiko Stehrenberger

Art Director: Akiko Stehrenberger

The New Yorker, Wesley Allsbrook, January 2025

Illustration for The Weekend Essay

Writing as Transformation: Words and phrases came from nowhere; I rarely had any sense of what they meant or to what context they belonged.

By Louise Glück

Illustrator: Wesley Allsbrook


Art Director: Nicholas Konrad

“If you make things without knowing who or what is moving your hand and you've never had the privilege of reading Louise Glück, please consider this essay (or have your friend with a subscription export you a PDF?). She's a joy, and like with sculpture, you have to walk all the way around each piece to see how her forms fit together. With even more authority since she's left us to our busy lives, Glück seems almost able to prove that art can save us from the voices that harangue us, as surely as the act of making art is a secret communion.” -Wesley Allsbrook

Les Echos Week-End, James Yates, December 2024

Vin et champagne : nos meilleures bouteilles pour les fêtes

Illustrator: James Yates


Art Director: Alice Lagarde

Publication Date: 12/13/24

“It was such an honor working with Alice on these illustrations for Les Echos’ annual wine and champagne recs. There’s nothing better than getting to illustrate topics you really care about - which, I guess for me, means wine and Christmas.” -James Yates

United States Postal Service, Dale Stephanos, December 2024

Upcoming 2025 Betty White Stamp

Illustrator: Dale Stephanos


Art Director: Greg Breeding

Betty White likeness Based on photo by Kwaku Alston

“It’s been amazing and humbling to see the overwhelmingly positive reception the announcement of the stamp has received. The AP put it perfectly, writing, ‘The United States postal Service has figured out a way to bring a bitterly divided nation together.” -Dale Stephanos