Announcing the Judges for the 2018 SPD-U Student Design Competition


The SPD-U Student Design Competition for 2018 is now closed. Our esteemed judges for this year's competition are:


Patty Alvarez

Creative Director, Patty Alvarez Design


Alice Alves

Art Director, Fast Company


Agnethe Glatved

Creative Director, Parents | Parents Latina | American Baby


Theresa Griggs

Creative Director, Cosmopolitan


Donald Partyka

Creative Director, Americas Quarterly




The 2018 SPD-U Student Design Competition is Now Open!


The 2018 SPD-U Student Design Competition is now closed.

The SPD-U Student Design Competition is Now Open!

Enter by Monday, March 19, 2018!

All entrants receive a free .design domain name from


Download the official CALL FOR ENTRIES with the complete rules and entry form HERE!

Monday, March 19th at 5:00PM EST

SPD must receive all student entries, completed forms, and payment receipts by Monday, March 19th at 5:00PM EST. Please mail them to:

The Society of Publication Designers
27 Union Square West, Suite 207
New York, NY 10003

SPD Student Members get their first 3 entries FREE! (Though student members can enter more than that...if you do, any additional entries will cost $10 each.) Please note: Even though they're free, you must register your 3 free member entries [HERE].

If you're not a member but would like to join, you can purchase your SPD Student Membership and register for your 3 free member entries at the same time [HERE].

Otherwise, each entry is $10.

You can pay your entry fees online [HERE]. If you're mailing in payment, please complete the payment form and send in cash or a check made payable to "The Society of Publication Designers".

YOU MUST INCLUDE THE RECEIPT WITH YOUR ENTRY. If we cannot find proof of payment or a valid SPD Student Membership, your entries may be disqualified.

The competition is now closed.

All entrants will receive a free .design domain name from The first, second, and third place winners will receive 10 years of free registration for their new .design domain.

The first, second, and third place winners will be honored with a cash prize and an invitation to the Society of Publication Designers' Annual Awards Gala on Friday, May 4, 2018 in New York City. The top 3 will also be offered a summer internship at a major magazine in New York City, as well as a cash prize.

First Place and Recipient of the Mitch Shostak Award: $2,500
Second Place and Recipient of the B.W. Honeycutt Award: $1,000
Third Place: $500

Thanks so much to for sponsoring the SPD-U Student Design Competition!