Co-Chairs: Tim Leong & Toby Kaufmann | Digital Co-Chairs: Kate Elazegui & Caroline Smith
Brand of the Year Chair: Andrea Dunham | Magazine of the Year Chair: Robert Newman
Tim of the House Leong, first of his name.
Lord of Entertainment and Warden of the weekly. Defender of Design. The geek king.
Tim Leong, Executive Editor, Entertainment Weekly
Toby of the House Kaufmann, first of her name.
Lady Regnant of the 29th Refinery. Queen of the cameras. Acolyte of the arts. Mixer of Margaritas.
Toby Kaufmann, Executive Photography Director, Refinery29
Digital Co-Chairs
Kate of the House Elazegui, first of her name.
Warden of FiveThirtyEight and the Protector of the Grantlands. Defender of the data.
Kate Elazegui, Creative Director, FiveThirtyEight
Caroline of the House Smith, first of her name.
First Lady of First Look Media. Tastemaker of Topic and Victor of the visuals.
Caroline Smith, Photography & Visuals Editor, Topic and First Look Media
Brand of the Year Chair
Andrea of the House Dunham, first of her name.
The People’s Queen. Voice of the masses.
Andrea Dunham, Executive Creative Director, People and Health
Magazine of the Year Chair
Robert of the House Newman, first of his name.
Lord Commander of This Old House. Grand Maester of SPD. King of the wise.
Robert Newman, Creative Director, This Old House
Check out our event photos from Collins Nai and Patricia Lopez here and here!
Thanks to Ramona Rosales for taking our Jury photos! View the rest of the photos here.
Thanks to Ari Michelson for capturing all the great moments in our gala photo booth! Check out the 3 albums here.