[On Thursday, December 21, longtime GQ design director Fred Woodward announced that he was leaving his position at the magazine. If we had a year and limitless space we might be able to catalog everything that the publication design community owes to Fred and his work. And it would take another year to list everything Fred has done to build and support the Society of Publication Designers. Suffice it to say that he is the grandmaster of magazine making and design, and we urge him to get a lot of rest over the holidays before getting VERY busy with his next project(s). What follows is a message from Fred to his co-workers, friends, and the SPD community.]
Dear friends, colleagues, and comrades,
As of today, my work here at GQ is done.
End of an era. Wish me luck in my future endeavors. Don't cry for me, Argentina. Hasta la vista, baby. So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye...
When I first arrived at GQ, should anyone have asked what I'd learned after fifteen years at Rolling Stone I would have been quick to say: "Never stay too long in any one place. No matter your love for the brand. No matter your love for the people. No matter your love for the work. No matter what."
Now, after sixteen years at GQ, I can only say: Some people just never learn.
I leave filled with immense pride, confident that the work will stand and that the dynamic coupling of Beauty and Ideas (and their wildly diverse offspring) will never go out of style.
Nor will the friendships forged during the everyday collaboration of making something truly great together. Call it anything you want--I'll always call it a magazine.
Keep fighting the good fight, and I'll do the same.
[FredEx logo design by Fred Woodward]