Congratulations on being a Medal Finalist or Merit Winner in the world's best editorial design competition!
The Gold and Silver Medal winners will be announced at the 54th Annual SPD Awards Gala on
Friday, May 3rd in New York City.
We hope you will join us for this spectacular evening to celebrate the best of 2018.
In order to publish your work, we need the following from you:
1. Log into the SPD 54 Acclaim System by clicking the "SPD 54 Winners - Enter Here" button on
This is the same system you used to enter the SPD 54 Competition. All your winning entries are listed once you log-in.
2. For EACH WINNING ENTRY ID#, submit high-res CMYK tiffs at 350 dpi. 8” wide. Spreads should be 8” wide (not 16” wide)
A. Brand of the Year Winners - Submit one (1) file from each brand asset (4 files total).
B. Magazine of the Year Winners - Submit one (1) cover & two (2) spreads from EACH ISSUE (9 files total, 3 from each issue).
C. Entire Issue & Redesign Issue Winners - Submit one (1) cover & two (2) spreads (3 files total per winning entry ID#). For Redesign, only submit work from the "AFTER" issue.
D. Story Winners & Section Multiple Issue Winners - Submit two (2) spreads or single pages of each winning entry (2 files total per winning ID#). Choose the best, most representative pages from your story or section.
E. Cover, Spread/Single Page, & Section Single Issue Winners - Submit one (1) cover, single page, or spread (1 file total per winning ID#).
F. Digital Winners - Submit 1-2 representative CMYK tiffs of each winning entry (2 files max per winning ID#), depending on the category. Homepage and Single Screen Design should submit one (1) file per winning ID#.
G. Name each file by the Entry ID# (i.e. E-1234-567) attached to each entry. For MULTIPLE SPREAD ENTRIES (entire issue, redesign, story), mark the ID#s in the following manner. For example: with a Photo, Feature Story winner ID# E-1234-567, file names should be: E-1234-567A, E-1234-567B, etc.
Please note: Winning spreads submitted as individual, separated single pages CANNOT be accepted & will not be pieced together by SPD. Do not send JPG, Quark or InDesign files. We cannot convert your fonts and images to TIFF. Work submitted this way will not appear in PUB 53.
3. For EACH WINNING ENTRY ID#, VERIFY and APPROVE CREDITS for all creatives that worked on the entry.
Please proofread and spell-check all credit information as you want it to be published in the PUB 54 Annual.
4. PAY YOUR PUB FEES, renew your membership, buy gala tickets, and pre-order the PUB 54 annual.
A publication fee is required for inclusion in the PUB54 Annual and the Medal Finalists' Gala presentation program; member rate of $65 per entry and non-member rate of $130 per entry. Late fees apply after March 29th. Submissions that have missing payment will not be published.