Carrie Mifsud
Carrie mifsud
Current job: Homescreen Art Director, The New York Times
3 things you can’t live without: My family. My vinyl records. My sketchbook.
What’s your superpower? X-ray vision into the heart of stories (and hopefully editors, lol).
What do you listen to while creating? Cassette tapes from shows I recently went to. On a walkman.
Favorite TV show: The Golden Bachelorette. Get it girl.
What (or who) inspires you? Bowie. Saul Bass. Maira Kalman. Milton Glaser. Nina Simone.
Advice for young creatives? Find a way to set yourself apart from everyone else. Tap into what makes you YOU and the work will shine.
What’s on your bucket list for the next year? Writing a book, getting a stamp in my passport, doing that work-life balance thing better.